Apple’s iCloud was released in late 2010 and quickly became one of the best selling handsets available in the mobile phone market. The iPhone is also highly popular with tablet computers such as the iPad and Android-powered tablets such as the Kindle. However, not many people know about apple iCloud’s usefulness as a server. That’s because its application is simple: it’s a killer for business VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) calling.
For those who may not be familiar, voice over Internet protocol is a communication technology that allows individuals to talk to each other using internet connection instead of traditional phone lines. It works similar to traditional telephones, where the call is made by audio broadcasting to a given number and data is then transferred by way of SMS or MMS. As of now, however, there are no consumer solutions that allow individuals to access their voice over IP (VOIP) phone files via the internet. Apple’s iCloud solves this problem by allowing consumers to access their files wherever they go- even while they’re on the go.
The way that apple chair works is simple: when consumers dial an apple toll free number, they will be connected to the company’s tech support. Once connected, they will be able to access and make use of their iCalls service (iCalls may also be made to cellular phones). The techrepublic has found that consumers have lots of questions about how this service works and which of the two types of internet phone plans (auto or premium) to pick. Their answer to all of these is clear: consumers need to use iCalls for mobile services.
As previously stated, iCalls works cross-platform, which means it is possible for consumers to use the service with almost any cell phone or smartphone that is registered with apple. This also means that there is no hardware required, and users do not need to have a license to use the technology. The techrepublic further explains that there is no way for authorized users to trace the call if it is originated from an iCalled user. In short, apple icloud enables consumers to place calls wherever they go.
Despite the fact that the technology does not work well with older versions of iPhones and iPads, Apple has announced that they plan to release an updated version of apple icloud later this summer. During the second half of 2011, Apple expects to release the updated version of apple iCalls along with the iPhone 4 and the iPad 2. If you own either of these devices, you will want to make sure you have an iCalled setup assistant installed in your iPhone. This is the assistant that allows you to make outgoing calls and make local calls on your apple iPhone. Without this setup assistant, you will need to purchase a new device or integrate your existing phone number into your phone’s memory.
Apple states that iPhone users will be able to dial outbound and inbound calls at the same time from their ipods and by supporting VoIP. Apple has developed an SMS gateway so that you can send and receive text messages from your ipod as well as iSMS messages sent from your mobile device. For those who are familiar with iOS, there is no reason why you should not be able to send and receive iSMS messages from your iCalled iOS devices. Additionally, with the upcoming release of the iPhone 4 and iPad 2, Apple is planning to offer additional storage space with the purchase price of these devices. This additional storage space will allow you to store more personal documents and more media files such as pictures, music and videos.
There are many reasons that you should consider purchasing an iCalled iOS device over a traditional PC or Mac computer for your business needs. To begin with, Apple offers users complete security through the use of file storage providers including iSMS and H+. Apple’s iSMS service is secure, fast and most importantly, flexible. By taking advantage of Apple’s secure file storage features, you can access your files securely anywhere.
With the integration of the iPhone’s camera, users can capture images, videos and even sound with their cell phones. This feature is referred to as “shotgunning”, where you can take unlimited photos and videos with your device without having to sync your photos and videos to your computer. When in this position, you can transfer the images and videos from your iCalled iOS device directly to your computer or flash drive. The ability to transfer your images and videos between iOS devices and computers via Wi-Fi makes the use of a large storage drive like Apple’s iDisk more practical.